Joe Vickers Art


Joe Vickers malt die Wellen, die wir alle surfen wollen, ihn eingeschlossen. Der in Kalifornien lebende Künstler lässt sich vom Meer an der Westküste inspirieren und hat dabei Illustrationen geschaffen, die sofort ins Auge stechen. Sein Stil ist was besonderes, die Details – vor allem, die der  Fische, Schildkröten und anderer Meeresbewohner – bringen Leben in die von ihm gemalten Bilder. Eins der Highlights ist wohl vor allem, dass er meist nicht auf Papier oder Leinwand zeichnet, sondern auf Holz. Wenn ihr euch seine Werke mal genauer anschaut, entdeckt ihr die Textur in Meer und Himmel durchscheinen – einer der Gründe, warum seine Farben und Bilder immer so natürlich erscheinen.

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My name is Joe Vickers and I’m a dad, husband, artist and surfer. I work out of my home studio in Santa Ana, California.  I like to hang out with my family and friends, surf and work… all with a few good tunes on in the background.

Joe Vickers

Artist, Joe Vickers Art

Wir haben Joe angeschrieben und ihn um ein Interview gebeten, welches er uns liebend gerne gegegen hat. Lernt hier den Künstler hinter den Bildern etwas näher kennen.


Joe Vickers im Interview

How did you start sketching and what was it

I started drawing when I was very young… as far back as I can remember!  I would draw all over any sheet of paper that was in front of me.  Sketchbooks, notepads, even (and maybe especially) text books.  To this day I absolutely love to draw and sketch.
I started off cartooning and copying the comic strips from the newspaper.  Bill Watterson’s ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ has always been my favorite. I used to draw pages and pages of my own little cartoon people, monsters, birds, waves, etc until the page was done.


Your inspiration seems to be the ocean and the surfer’s lifestyle. Why and how does it inspire you, and where else do you get your ideas from

That’s true! I love to surf.  I grew up in Florida and started surfing when I was 12 or 13 years old.  The surf isn’t very consistent there and I always thought about and drew waves more often than I actually got to ride them! I also get ideas from my two daughters who are 1 and 3 years old.  I absolutely love being with them and seeing the world from their perspective… it’s so awesome!

You enjoy surfing yourself. Just a quick check up: Favorite wave, favorite spot, favorite board, bucket list surfspot (the liquid dream). 

My favorite spot is anywhere that isn’t too crowded! I’m not a fan of super crowded lineups.  Most of the time it’s possible to find a little elbow room if you look long enough.
I ride quite a few different boards but my favorite right now is my 6’8 Campbell Brothers Bonzer Egg… it’s magic.
I would love to travel to and surf in Fiji.

What is your favorite piece of art

My favorite piece of art is the entire collection of Calvin and Hobbes comic strips by Bill Watterson.

On your website I also stumbled across your „Surfery Rhymes“. So, during day time you are Joe Vickers, the illustrator. But at night, you secretly turn into a poet… 

I’ve been writing little poems since I was in college and decided to start posting the surf related ones a little over two years ago.  I call the collection ‘The Salty Sleepy Surfery Rhymes’ with the idea to eventually put them in book format.  I’ve changed the way I illustrate them about three times now so I’m a bit behind schedule lol but it’s something I’ve very much enjoyed putting together!  Here’s one from the book:

One More Wave

“One more wave”
I hear myself say
As I check the time and know
I should call it a day

So I catch a little peeler
All the way to the shore
And when my feet hit the ground
On the ocean’s sandy floor, I think…

“One more wave”
Ah, what will it hurt
If I’m a little late
They won’t miss me at my work

So I paddle into another
The swell is filling in steadily
I take it to the beach
Then look back out readily, and say…

“One more wave”
I can’t give up now
As the tide gets just right
Leave? Ain’t no way, no how!

So I find myself again
Way out the back
The next one is so hollow
And after a solid shack, I hoot…

“One more wave!”
Then I do decree
To forget about the job
Don’t need responsibilities

So again I’m in the lineup
Just in time for a bomb!
Stoked out of my mind
As I cruise the face so long, I scream…

So I paddle out to play
I’ll be here till nightfall
This is where I belong today…

Palme Joe Vickers

Salty Sleepy Surfery Rhymes pg 34


Mehr über Joe und seine Kunst findet ihr auf seiner Seite oder seinen Social Media Kanälen:

Website: Joe Vickers Art